How To Create A Fake Pregnancy Belly

Fake Pregnancy Belly

Fake Pregnancy Belly

It’s great for role play, acting on stage, or just giving a friend a surprise for a prank if you have a fake pregnancy belly. A helmet, blanket, or ball can be used to produce a realistic look for a short time, no matter why you want to Fake Pregnancy Belly. Depending on the props you have on hand, choose the easiest one. Whatever you choose, make sure it stays put!

Method # 1:   Using a Helmet

(1). You should choose a helmet that will represent your baby bump. Use a helmet without a facemask if you want to avoid having a bumpy belly. The best helmet for this is probably a bicycle helmet. If you have options, try out a few different shapes to see which one makes the most convincing fake belly. They come in a variety of shapes, so most should work just fine as a fake belly – but you can try out a few different shapes to see which one looks the best to you.

(2). Over the top of your helmet, apply masking tape to hide the ridges. To ensure the helmet is completely smooth, apply as many layers of tape as necessary. Once you’ve finished, you shouldn’t see any ridges.

(3). Any hanging straps on the helmet should be secured or removed. You can cut off the straps carefully with a pair of sharp scissors if you won’t be using the helmet for anything else. A good helmet might be wasted on that, though! Straps can also be tucked inside the helmet, then taped to the dome with masking tape, making sure they stay in place and don’t hang out the bottom of the fake belly, or you can keep the straps on and use them to hold the belly in place.

(4). Your helmet should be attached to your torso. Your helmet can be kept in place in a few different ways, and you might even combine a few of them. You don’t want your belly to slide around or fall off!

  • The helmet and your back should be tightly wrapped with an elastic athletic bandage (such as an Ace bandage). When a shirt is pulled down over the bump, use as many layers as necessary to secure the helmet.
    • Use some of the masking tapes from step 2 to secure the helmet.
    • Keep the helmet in place by layering a few tight bandeaus over it.

(5). Make your fake pregnancy belly look good by wearing a shirt that compliments it. You might notice that your belly is shaped strangely if your shirt is too tight. A looser, flowier shirt is better.

  Method # 2 Using Two Blankets

(1). Choose two medium-sized and medium-thick blankets. Their size and weight should be similar to a throw blanket – not too big, not too thin, and not too thick. Your baby belly will be covered by these two blankets.
  • Throw blankets with long fringe might make your belly look weird, so avoid them.

(2). Fold Blanket 1 into a diamond shape. You’ll use this to smooth out and add dimension to your belly.

  • The blanket should be laid flat on the ground or a wide surface like a bed or tabletop.
  • Fold each corner of the blanket toward the center until all four corners touch. When you were a child, did you make origami fortune tellers? As you fold this blanket, imagine yourself doing the first step.
  • You should end up with an uneven diamond or square, depending on the shape of your original blanket. The square doesn’t have to be perfect – don’t worry about that.

(3). Create a fake belly by balling up Blanket 2. To better mimic the shape of a pregnant belly, the circle shouldn’t be perfect, but a little wider. Make sure one side remains flat and smooth while the other side hides all the edges when you ball it up. The smooth side should be facing out so people can’t tell your belly is a blanket!

(4). Blanket 1 should be folded around Blanket 2. Your belly will look more realistic when you combine both blankets. Be careful not to let your belly come undone after a few minutes.
  • Blanket 2 should be placed in the center of Blanket 1.
  • Cover Blanket 2 with the four external corners of Blanket 1 (not the four that are already touching in the center).
  • Masking tape should be used to secure the ends together, using enough tape to ensure they won’t come loose.
(5). The blankets should be attached to your torso. As with the previous method, you can attach the helmet to your torso using the same basic procedure.
  • To secure the belly and make it look smooth, tightly wrap an elastic athletic bandage (like an Ace bandage) several times around the blankets and your back.
  • Put some masking tape on the blankets to keep them in place.
  • Keep the blankets in place by layering a few tight bandeaus over them.

(6). All you need to do is put on a shirt over the fake belly, and you’re done. It’s probably still best to wear a more loose-fitting shirt even though the blanket won’t have the hard ridges of a helmet.

Method # 3 Using A Beach Ball

(1). Make sure you choose a beach ball that is the right size. There are all sizes of these balls, so choose one that isn’t too small or too large. This project will probably work best with the “standard” beach ball size.

(2). About half of the beach ball should be inflated. Inflate the ball about half to three-quarters of the way by blowing it into the air spigot. You can adjust the size of your belly according to your preference.
  • You can inflate the ball all the way if you want a huge belly. Your costume might look cartoonishly large for a pregnancy, but that may be your goal.
(3). Your torso should be secured to the beach ball. Ace bandages, bandeaus, and tank tops can be used to accomplish this. A single tight bandeau or tank top should keep the beach ball in place since it doesn’t weigh nearly as much as a helmet or two blankets.
  • The air nozzle should be pointed down toward the ground. The point will be visible through your shirt if it points up or out, and if it points back toward you, it will irritate your skin and start hurting.

(4). Wear a loose-fitting shirt over the beach ball. It might even be possible to wear a tighter shirt with this method! See which shirt looks best with your fake belly by trying on a few different ones.

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