10 Ways To Reduce Period Cramps

Period Cramps

Period Cramps

Dysmenorrhea or period cramps are never easy to deal with. Period cramps, which last for the first two to three days of the menstrual cycle each month, make it difficult to focus on other tasks. The contraction that takes place to shed the blood lining is what causes menstruation cramps.

Pain in the lower back, thighs, and stomach are caused by this contraction. For other people, the discomfort becomes terrible. Yet, certain natural therapies can temporarily or permanently relieve your pain. You can use this post to uncover the top period cramp relief options.

1. Water and herbal teas

Bloating brought on by menstruation may make period cramps worse. The solution to this issue is to consume lots of water. To boost blood flow, which will assist to relax the muscles and lessen spasms, you should sip hot water.

Since some herbal teas have anti-inflammatory effects that lessen muscular spasms, drinking herbal tea can also aid with period cramps. The most natural technique to ease period cramps and promote better sleep is to sip herbal teas like chamomile, ginger, or fennel tea.

2. Consuming wholesome food

Foods that are anti-inflammatory help to increase blood flow and relax the uterus, which both help to lessen period cramps. Some of the healthiest anti-inflammatory foods include fruits and spices like ginger, turmeric, and garlic as well as berries, pineapples, and tomatoes. Green vegetables, fatty salmon, almonds, and walnuts are also anti-inflammatory foods.

Foods like brownies, pizza, and hamburgers that are high in sugar, salt, and trans fat should be avoided. Certain foods may cause inflammation and make your cramps worse. You can eat fruits like bananas or berries if you’re seeking sweets.

3. Decaf coffee is preferable to caffeine for pain relief

Caffeine use during periods is not recommended. Your period pains may worsen, and the blood flow may be compromised. Because caffeine makes blood vessels smaller, the uterus also gets smaller. Bad cramps are caused by the uterus becoming constricted.

If you typically drink coffee, you should switch to decaf during your cycle. And if you rely on caffeine to overcome your sloth, you should choose a high-protein snack or get some exercise. Moreover, exercise helps ease period cramps.

4. Activities May Assist With Period Cramp Relief

Although it may seem strange to exercise while on your period, it can actually be very healthy. You don’t need to work out hard; light exercise can also aid in muscular relaxation. Exercise can also aid in the release of endorphins, which will revive your spirit and calm tense muscles.

If you want to feel better and get a break from your period cramps, try light stretching, walking, and yoga. Now because the Moxie Menstrual Cup is here to save the day, you won’t have to worry about leakage while working out.

5. Food supplements for cramps during your period

Vitamin D-containing dietary supplements aid in the body’s absorption of calcium, which lowers inflammation. In addition to reducing inflammation, omega-3, magnesium, and vitamin E also ease cramping during periods. Before taking supplements, you should speak with your primary care physician.

When your vitality is completely sapped by period cramps, dietary supplements can be a lifesaver. But, it will function best if you consume food and supplements.

6. Menstrual Cramps Can Be Prevented With A Hot Water Bag A Day

To ease period discomfort, now is the time to fill your hot water bag with hot water and place it over your lower belly and lower back. The muscles are helped to relax by the heat, which improves blood flow and lessens cramps. Hence, using a hot water bag to relieve uncomfortable period cramps is the simplest solution.

7. Refrain from Stress

Avoiding stressful events during your period is essential because stress can be one of the main factors making period cramps worse. With the aid of deep breathing, yoga, meditation, or any other pastime, you may manage your stress.

8. Therapeutic Massage

Period cramps can be effectively controlled with massage therapy. A study found that massage treatment can provide significant alleviation for endometriosis patients. By lessening uterine spasms, which in turn lessen the discomfort associated with menstruation, massages aid in uterine relaxation.

For period cramp relief, you should get massage therapy on your lower back and abdomen.

9. Go Outside

While getting out of bed to go outside can be challenging while you’re on your period, letting yourself soak in some sun can be really beneficial. When exposed to sunlight, vitamin D, which is found in sunlight, can drastically lower the hormone prostaglandins.

Less hormone synthesis results in less uterine contraction because prostaglandins are what cause the contraction. As a result, you can stop experiencing pain brought on by your uterus contracting while you’re having your period. Also, you might take vitamin D supplements to lessen the discomfort of period cramps.

10. Medicines

You can always switch to medications if your period cramps are severe and do not subside after using the home cures, but make sure you tried everything, because taking medicine to cramps are not the best option. Before taking any kind of medicine, try the Ovatune period pain relief

You should first see a reputable physician and discuss your issues with her. Afterwards, you can treat your severe cramps with a medication that works well and has few side effects.

As muscle contraction is the primary source of most period discomfort, taking muscle relaxants for cramps is advantageous. Hence, under such circumstances, ingesting a medicine that can prevent the constriction and provide relaxation for your body is helpful.


Period cramps can be quite painful, but using these techniques might help you greatly reduce the discomfort and carry on with your normal activities without being affected by your period. Finding the right way is important, and the greatest part is that since they are all natural remedies for period cramps, none of them will harm your body.

Period cramps can be relieved using a variety of techniques, and since every person’s body is unique, you shouldn’t be scared to try them all to find the one that works best for you.

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