All About Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty Surgery

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Most people are struggling with excess fat, which makes us look dull on one side and triggers health other ends. If you are dealing with the same and want precise results instantly, Tummy Tuck Surgery is the major cosmetic process type. In this, your abdominal fat or excess skin is removed.

Here below, you can read everything about Abdominoplasty Surgery.

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Typically, tummy tuck surgical process is also known as Abdominoplasty Surgery. During this surgeon will contour your excessive tummy skin and abdomen fat removal. It is even useful for tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. However, it is not an alternative to weight loss.

You can only go for this tummy tuck if your body doesn’t respond to a healthy diet and regular exercise. This surgery helps in flatten the abdomen to make your appearance good. The tummy tuck is not similar to liposuction but often liposuction along with the abdominoplasty process.

Who can Opt for Tummy Tuck Surgical Treatment?

Both men and women can go for this only persist good health.
Women with multiple pregnancies can undergo this treatment to tighten their abdominal muscles and excessive skin.
People who are obese or have excessive fat deposits else loose skin around the belly have this a good option.

Does Abdominoplasty Treatment Beneficial?

Tummy Tuck Surgery is a body-contouring surgery, not a fat-loss treatment. This is not designed to remove major fat deposits in your body, especially around the belly. There are many advantages if you opt for this surgical process.

  1. May Reduce Back Pain: Generally, after multiple pregnancies or extreme weight loss, the belly muscles get weaker. Therefore, it helps in restoring the weakened or separate abdominal muscles to strengthen. A weaker abdominal muscle condition is known as diastasis recti. It is observed that within six weeks or even six months, it helps in curing back pain.
  2. Improve Posture: Tightening belly muscles will strengthen them one end and support better posture. Thus, suitable to stabilize the spinal alignment with low back pain. It may also help in repositioning the pelvis (a bony frame near the base of the spine). With time it is beneficial to straighten your back and enhance body posture.
  3. Help Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI): Excessive pressure on the bladder or urethra causes SUI. This is a totally different condition, but still, health research found improvement in SUI after tummy tuck treatment.
  4. Good Ventral Hernia: Tummy tuck helps in reducing pressure on the abdominal wall. It strengthens the weakened belly muscles, thus being suitable for a ventral hernia. In hernia repair surgery, abdominoplasty is added.
  5. Boost Confidence: Of course, if you are unhappy with your bulky belly, then the tummy tuck surgical process is excellent. It improves the appearance of the abdomen and tightens the loose skin. This makes you overall look smarter and more confident and boost your self-esteem.

The Associated Common Risk Abdominal:

Overall, tummy tuck surgery is safe and effective but has potential risks.

Recovery is time-taking.
Poor or adverse reaction to anaesthesia.
Normal bleeding.
Heart and lung complications (rarely).
Deep vein thrombosis.
Fluid accumulation.
Prolonged swelling.
Skin discolouration.
Skin allergies or infection.
Slow wound healing.
Normal pain or skin loss scars.
Skin or fat necrosis (a condition in which death of tissue occurs)

What Cost Abdominoplasty Surgery in India?

The first is to find the Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon among many to get the best results. The second comes with decision-making on the cost of the process exist with. Well, on the facts, Abdominoplasty Surgery price depends on many factors like surgeon experience, clinic/hospital location, medical expenses, the potential for personalized needs (person-to-person), etc.

Go to the NABH-certified cosmetic surgery centre or clinic for this tummy tuck surgical treatment. If your surgeon follows up with the need for liposuction, the cost also varies.


Tummy Tuck Surgery is a good-well cosmetic way to remove excess skin or belly fat. It is permanent with temporary side effects. Apart from being safe and effective, abdominal surgical processes do pain that lasts for a couple of weeks. It helps contour the belly, as it tightens the tummy muscles and improves abdominal contouring. In certain cases, mini abdominal surgery is also processed that works on the regional belly area.

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