5 Nutrition Tips to Stay Healthy

Healthy Nutrition

Healthy nutrition goes hand in hand with a lower risk of disease and a longer life expectancy. Through it, substances that help the proper functioning of all body systems are ingested, absorbed and transformed.

In fact, it is a field that has been widely studied, since it plays a fundamental role in everything related to health. Even so, among so much information, sometimes there is confusion or contradiction about what is good and what is not. What does science say? Seattle nutrition coach reveal 5 tips.

1. Say “no” to ultra-processed food

Ultra-processed or hyperpalatable foods are known as “junk food”. One study summarizes the potential addictive effect of many of them. Some of these are those that are high in saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, and added sugar.

These foods provide empty calories, meaning zero protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In the journal Nutrients it is reported that these foods can increase the risk of diseases. Therefore, instead, abundant intake of natural foods is recommended.

2. Avoid excess refined grains

Refined cereals go through a process in which they lose the fiber and some minerals found in their fibrous membranes. Its excessive consumption is associated with a wide variety of non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

For this reason, the American Heart Association recommends more whole grains as sources of nutrients, since they facilitate the transport of oxygen in the blood, balance blood glucose and regulate the immune system.

3. Eat less red and processed meat

Two prospective studies revealed that the consumption of red meat and, especially, its derivatives, were associated with high mortality rates. In those same investigations, those people who substituted red meat for eggs, fish and nuts had a lower risk of dying during the 8 years that the investigation lasted.

4. Eat vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits provide antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and prebiotic fiber for good nutrition. Studies show that a higher consumption of this food group improves health.

People who eat a plant-based diet have been found to increase their longevity and lower their risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and more.

5. Increase consumption of fatty fish

A recent study indicates that omega-3 fatty acids are capable of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are even believed to help reduce inflammation in the early stages of degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Some sources are salmon, haddock, herring, sardines and anchovy. Commercial fish-based omega-3 supplements are also an option.

Importance of healthy nutrition

A balanced diet and nutrition will allow us to obtain adequate energy and nutrients for the functioning of the body. With this, the risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, anemia, osteoporosis, among others, is reduced.

All of the above translates into a better quality of life at all ages. It is enough to make significant changes in the diet, such as increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, limiting the consumption of processed foods and drinking more water. All this accompanied by an exercise routine, a good quality of sleep and anti-stress techniques.

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